Soho Is Building Back


Throughout the country (and indeed all over the world) businesses including offices, retail and hospitality sectors have opened their doors and are gradually returning to premises, the fortunate ones for the first time in many months.

The big challenge will be to deal with the inevitable consequences of properties being mothballed for such a prolonged period as well as reconfiguring and repurposing existing space for the future. Some companies are up and down scaling adjusting to new circumstances they find themselves.

We are able to assist businesses building back in this process with a wide range of maintenance services including electrical safety testing, plumbing maintenance, decorating refreshes, social distancing screens, room and studio partitioning or repairing obligations to leases.

Whether you return to find a troublesome leak or you wish to reconfigure your complete floor plan ‘for the new normal’ we are able to support your business and ‘Build Back’ strategy throughout the next stages of these unprecedented times.

We will be delighted to assist you. Contact Us for more information.


EPCs For Soho Businesses


Soho: Covid-19 Support